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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What Does My Driving Says About Me

What Your Driving Says About You

You are a creative, resourceful person. You can easily entertain yourself, and you make the best of any situation.

You are always increasing your awareness of the world around you. You are a life long learner.

You are a very fair person. You treat everyone equally, even when it's difficult to do.

You are a calm, peaceful person. You realize that arguments are only temporary, and you try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

You have mixed feelings about authority figures. You understand their place, but you believe their power needs to be in check.

You are somewhat focused, but you are also a bit scatterbrained. Distractions can get you in trouble.

You are a very responsible and conscientious person. You often consider the feelings and needs of others.

Your ego is a healthy size. You don't think you're more important than anyone else.

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